Frigidaire Fftw1001pw Review

Are you looking for a washing machine brand that you can trust, the FrigidaireFftw1001pw is a timeless top loader washer, sports a traditional white outfit but in a modern sense. Some of its best features that we will discuss later in this article are its 8 effective washing cycles, the varied water temperatures and its robust and durable build.

Over the years appliance purchase has relied heavily on the price factor, instead of features and style; but with time many people have come to the realization that some of the appliances from the most re-knowned brands, sell the brand name and compromise on the features, which then inflates the prices. The lesser known home appliance brands are therefore, making the best of this opportunity and are out to capture the market by releasing the best performance products.

You will therefore, find that some lesser known brand washers have incorporated the high end features but at a cheaper price. Brands like Frigidaire have branched out into various niches, to keep the company a float and while at it they ensure that their customers are supplied with the best that they can offer, a fact that especially applies to the Frigidaire Fftw1001pq washer.

What you should expect from the Frigidaire Fftw1001pw

The Frigidaire FFtw1001w washer is pretty easy to use, thanks to the straight forward dials at the top of the unit, users can therefore, forget about reading the user manual the whole day just to learn how to use their washer. And if we were to be honest no one really likes a home appliance with a steep learning curve, as it might take ages before one actually makes good use of it.

The Frigidaire washer has therefore, incorporated just five dials, necessary for customization purposes; the first one being the center control dial, then the temperature control dial incorporated on the far right, the fabric softener on the far left and the start and stop buttons spaced out in the middle.

On the inside the washer features a single piece agitator that has obviously veered far away from the impeller design. It is basic but functional.

Key Features of the Frigidaire Fftw1001pw

If you are still having doubts about investing in the Frigidaire Fftw1001pw, below are some of its unique and functional features to help you make an informed choice.

Incorporated unique dispense options

When doing laundry there are those garments that need to be enhanced either made more bright or need some additional fragrance, the likes of beddings, the white sheets and pillow cases. It is therefore, for the above reason that the structure of the Firgidaire Fftw1001pw has incorporated the bleach and Fabric softener dispenser. And because of the above, users no longer have to pre-soak their clothes with bleach before cleaning them with the washer.

Stainless steel tub

Appliances such as the Frigidaire Fftw1001pw are a one-time investment at least for the next five years. The Frigidaire washer  features a durable build and also incorporates a stainless steel tub. Remember it is the stainless steel tub that does most of the work so the washer will last for years.

Offers the best delicate cycles

Delicate cycles can at times be interpreted as inconclusive washing, as many people presume that clothes don’t really become clean. On the contrary the delicate cycles are not meant for the heavily soiled garments rather for the items that are prone to easy wear and tear. The delicate cycles offered by the Frigidaire will therefore, clean your clothes while taking care of the delicate fabric structure.

Incorporates the heavy wash cycle

And for the clothes that are heavily soiled or the ones that have tough stains, the heavy wash cycle should do the magic, as it has been specially configured to handle difficult stains.

Features up to 8 wash cycles

Frigidaire offers its users up to 8 different wash cycles, so none of your garments or beddings will have to seek alternative cleaning. The various wash cycles work with different intensities and will therefore, handle different types of fabrics, and different intensities of stains.


  • Incorporated a durable stainless steel drum
  • Offers up to 4 water temperatures
  • Users can choose between the 8 different wash cycles
  • The Frigidaire Fftw1001pw washer operates automatically thus little effort is needed from the user


  • The sensing feature is not entirely reliable
  • Price a bit high when compared to other washers of the same standard

Final Thought

The Frigidaire Fftw1001pw is a basic washer for individuals who don’t want anything technical, important to note is that basic does not in any way mean that the unit is less functional. Thus, some of its best features are the varied wash cycles, and the unit’s robust and durable build. What’s more is that it offers up to 3.4cu. ft. meaning that users can get most of their laundry done within the first wash session.

Dennis Vaughn

Dennis Vaughn is a certified plumber and has been offering apprenticeship experiences to most of his employees for the past 12years. Dennis owns and runs an appliance store, and has a team made of different expertise from electricians, appliance repair individuals, and plumbers. According to him dealing with appliances is one thing but the after-sales services are what makes for the loyal clients. Many people don’t know who to call when their appliances break or become faulty, and a good number are not aware of the varieties of appliances in the market tailored to fit their expectations. The above is what necessitated the creation of the extensive excerpts on the washing machine units, which come complete with directions on the simple home repairs.